Project Description
Kur-ring-gai Destination Management Plan 2017 to 2020
Meredith led the development of the Kur-ring-gai Destination Management Plan 2017 to 2020 that included working collaboratively with an urban planner (Stephen Bargwanna -SGB Advisory) to undertake preliminary scoping work to inform master planning for the re-development of the St Ives Precinct as a key destination for nature based and Aboriginal tourism and events in Sydney. The Plan was also developed to provide strategic direction for Council to plan for the sustainable management, development and marketing of tourism in Ku-ring-gai to 2020. Tourism had not been previously considered as an economic driver for the area and visitation was relatively low. In developing this Plan careful consideration has been given to ensure that the development and promotion of tourism celebrates and protects Ku-ring-gai’s distinctive natural and built environments whilst providing benefits for the local community.
Importantly, the Plan identified key catalyst opportunities that have the potential for Ku-ring-gai to gain competitive advantage in the Sydney tourism market place. This included strategies to further develop the St Ives Precinct as a distinctive destination in Sydney for events, unique trekking, nature based and Aboriginal tourism experiences, harness Council’s expertise in the delivery of innovative festivals and events across the LGA, and to better package and promote heritage, cultural and recreational experiences to attract visitors.